Elves take to magic like a fish takes to water; as easy as breathing.
-Elvish Proverb
Elves are renowned for their pointy ears and haughty demeanors. Dedicating large portions of their lives to perfecting their skills and abilities, this drive for perfection permeates all aspects of Elven culture. Meticulous and elegant in their aesthetic, Elves adorn their flowing creations with intricate designs, and in turn often have a formal and superfluous style of speech.

Typically living in heavily wooded areas, Elven nations take shape in city-states, though scatterings of nomadic kinships or small communities in other kingdoms are not unheard of.
Elven culture focuses on magical study, in one form or another, due to their innate magical nature. While most focus on the arcane, the worship of Apenca, whom they believe to be their creator, is also widespread and heavily ingrained into Elven society. Their innate magical nature is equaled by their adoration for the natural world, and Elven city states are often built in harmony with nature. Natural materials and motifs abound, and Elves are often believed to shift temperament with the seasons.
When playing an elf, you:
- Begin with Default Skill Points (SP)
- Begin with 4 Life Points (LP)
- Begin with 1 Resurrection
- Begin with 1 Iron Will skill
- Begin with 5 Magical Energy skill
- May purchase LP to a maximum of 10 LP
- May purchase the Magery skill for half cost (rounded up)
- Must purchase the Spiritual Endurance skill for 5 additional SP
- Cannot purchase the Exceptional Strength skill
MANDATORY COSTUMING: Pointed ears (latex/foam prosthetics) – jewelry may be worn over the prosthetic, but may not be used in place of it.
Racial Aging
Youth | Elderly | Aging | Max. Age |
35 years | 85 years | 10 years | 185 years |
Youth: This is the minimum starting age for a given race. This is also the minimum age that can be achieved through rejuvenating spells.
Elderly: This is the age when the effects of time begin to take their toll and benchmarks aging negatives for a character, eventually affecting their Life Points.
Aging: Upon reaching the age indicated in the “Elderly” column, a character’s maximum LP decreases 1 Life Point for every increment of years indicated in the “Aging” column. For example, if the racial maximum LP for a goblin is 8 LP, a 42-year-old goblin character would have a maximum Life Points of 6. (A 42-year-old Goblin is 12 years over “Elderly” and, marking two increments of aging at 5 years each, reducing that characters’ Life Points by 2.)
Maximum Age: Upon reaching the age indicated in “Max. Age” the character is deceased and may not resurrect.
Elves’ most distinctive trait is their pointed ears, though their differences go beyond that single physical trait. Though not unheard of for an Elf to be incredibly strong, the majority of Elves who chose physical combat tend towards mastery of technique and skill, preferring precision to power. Elves tend to interact with the world around them with a delicate touch, rarely exerting more force than is necessary.
When it comes to their ears they can vary considerably in length. Some show only a slight hint of a point, while some Elves may possess ears that are nearly 10 inches in length when fully-grown. The length of the ear has no actual meaning, and Elves’ ears often resemble one of their parents, though there is no shortage of old wives tales about what different ear shapes mean.

Elves are naturally attuned to the flow of arcane magic, and find that controlling it comes easily to those who try. Even those Elves who never learn such skills still seem to possess a small store of magical energy within their spirits, but most will learn at least the very basics. Though magically gifted, the Elven spirit is relatively weak. Their spirits are generally less able to endure the strain of a resurrection and will more readily pass on down Jerroh‘s river. The Elves embrace this trait and believe that, as the first and most beloved children of Apenca, her love for them is so great that it is very difficult for her to let them return to the world when she could keep them near her. While their bodies and spirits may be weaker than many other races, their minds are undisputedly stronger. It is quite difficult to alter an Elf’s thoughts or break them emotionally, through either mundane or magical means. Many interrogators have learned the hard way, reduced to seething frustration while the Elf they question remains calm and composed.
Tempering their lessened ability to return from a premature death, Elves naturally live exceedingly long lives compared to most races, aging at about half the rate of a Human. Though fully grown by about the age of 20, they are not culturally considered fully mature until around the age of 35, and have been known to live upwards of 185 years. Elves are often not viewed as elderly for their race until after the age of 100, and even then the signs of aging tend to be far slower than among other races, making it truly difficult for outsiders to guess an Elf’s age from their appearance alone.
Clothing & Adornment:
Though Elven fashions do vary slightly between city-states, in general there is a preference for loose, light-weight clothing that does not restrict movement. Though leggings or pants are not uncommon, they are viewed in some city-states as the attire of commoners. As such, those of importance (or delusions there-of) are more likely to be seen wearing robes, gowns or long tunics.
Regardless of status, most Elves take a good deal of time with their appearance and make a great show of their attire. Embroidery is very popular, and natural and astrological patterns are often embroidered or printed on clothing. The finest garments are often adorned with embroidery in precious metals and gemstones. Jewelry is also an important part of Elven fashion and few Elves in the city-states are seen in public unadorned, with the most popular pieces of Elven jewelry being ear-cuffs. When it comes to colour, Elven fashions tend to reflect the current season, and heraldic clothing is usually reserved for guards or dignitaries at exceptionally formal events.

Elves tend to be fastidious in their grooming as well, with well kempt hair considered very important. An unkempt beard or hair might lead to a comparison to a Dwarf, an insult many Elves would not be quick to live down.
While small groups of Elves can be found almost anywhere in Ariel, in small homesteads, as nomadic clans or even living in far away cities, the vast majority of the Elves of Ariel can be found in one of five elvish City-States.
With the exception of Alwythiana, the territories of the Elven city-states are largely covered by forest. Seemingly touched by neither axe nor fire, these forests boast some of the continent’s oldest trees, including a large portion of all the Kereste on the continent (and the Elves fiercely guard this incredibly rare and valuable resource). While a large portion of the population tends to live in or around the city-capitol of these states, most also hold sizable dependent settlements that rival the cities of other nations in size (and often far-surpass them in splendor). In addition, it is much more common to find Elven homesteads interspersed across the territory of the city state than in other nations, speaking to the relative peace and order that exists within its borders.

Eldersire is situated just north of the Human nation of Harodom, and has been one of their long-time trading partners and allies. Eldersire is most famous for its Guild Arcane, which is considered one of the premiere guilds of arcane learning. Apenca is venerated here more-so than in other city-states and the Great Temple of Apenca in Eldersire is a point of pilgrimage for many within the faith.
Deepwood is located just west of the Michian empire, and has suffered many demonic incursions throughout its life that have led to a strong presence of the church of Clovis. Despite these troubles, Deepwood has been renowned as a place of learning and culture. The worship of Sasha, Clovis, Fiona, Jerroh, Arkady, and Iccula are quite popular within the city-state. Deepwood is the only Elven city-state which is not named after its governing city of Darkwood (though the names remain similar enough that they often cause confusion to travellers).
Paripenca is one of the more peaceful Elven city-states and has not engaged in external hostile action for over half a millennium. Some of the best Elven craftsmen make their homes here, and many will travel from far off states in hopes of earning an apprenticeship. Located at a central point of the continent Paripenca has become a bit of a trading hub. The church of Marius is popular here, and his clergy is said to vinify the most prized Elven wine across the continent.
Alwythiana maintains a strong martial tradition. Located between many contested lands, Alwythiana has been drawn into many conflicts over the years necessitating a strong army. Every Elf born in the city-state is required to conduct ongoing training in the art of war and their long lifespans have resulted in an army of exceptionally-skilled soldiers and hardened battle mages. The only city-state whose territory consists more of plains than forest, the Elves of Alwythiana tend to construct more walls than other city-states. The worship of Alwyn is very popular here, and his main temple is a tower in the center of the city that sings in the wind.
Elwyndyre is situated on the north-western coast of the continent, and maintains a sizable fleet of vessels with which they conduct trade down the western coast. Though they have been involved in trade disputes with other coastal territories, even once forming a naval blockade around the Human kingdom of Seacrest, they currently enjoy good relations with their neighbours. The worship of Beldon and Marius are common here, along with Sasha.
Culture and Temperament
Elves value many things, magic and art, grace and beauty, but what Elven society praises among all else is refinement; the honing of a skill to perfection. Elves tend to specialize in something, or a small set of related things, and pursue success doggedly. Their social and political circles within the cities are highly competitive, fueling this drive for perfection throughout an Elf’s life. Older Elves, and those outside the cities, tend to be more relaxed in this respect, but the difference is unlikely to be obvious to most other races. Younger Elves who do not have many achievements to fall back on are more likely to accept failure poorly, and even older and successful Elves are loath to admit personal failings.
Elves have incredibly high expectations not just for themselves, but for others. While some find this obsession with perfection grating, once one gets past that surface standoffishness Elves have a lot of more personable qualities as well. Their drive for perfection makes them dedicated and passionate as well as often highly skilled and useful allies. In contrast to this drive, their love of beauty and nature does allow them to stop and appreciate many of the wonderful things life has to offer.

While they might be inwardly driven, many Elves prefer to be outwardly reserved. Expressing too many emotions can be seen as uncouth, or even weakness, in a competitive and intrigue loving society. While an Elf possesses the same emotional range as any other race, they are much more likely to try and remain calm, and express frustration and anger through veiled insults or intentional breaches of etiquette. Frustratingly to some, expressions of favour or love can be just as subtle, with an Elf expecting a recipient of flowers to understand their in depth meaning and the language expressed therein.
Their close connection to nature and the passing of the seasons can be seen reflected in elven behaviour. Spring is a time of birth, a time for new creations and friendships, and Elves tend to be the most friendly and open to new ideas during the Spring. Summer is a time of greatest passion, a time for festivals and for war, a time where Elves are the least reserved and the most aggressive, at least by Elven standards. Autumn is a more subdued time, where necessary preparations are made for the winter and the elves tend to focus more on practical needs. Finally, winter is a time of rest and endings, where the old passes in order for new creation to occur once more in the spring. Largely believed to be a cultural phenomenon and not a physical one, such changes in behaviour are more commonly seen among Elves living within the city-states than amongst other races, but it is also not uncommon for such Elves to bring these practices with them into the wider world.
Elven Names
Though exact naming traditions vary between the Elven city-states, most share a fairly common structure. There are two parts to an Elf’s full name – their given or birth name, and their revealed name which they get as an adult. Sometimes a prominent family will add a third name, a house name, that identifies them as a single family, though only active members of the household will use the name.
An Elf’s Birth Name is given to them by their mother just prior to their birth. This name is considered to be that of the Elf’s physical form, and is the only name an Elf will have in childhood. This name is often chosen from Elven histories or ancestors, which tend to have a lot of vowels and soft consonants, often with apostrophes to indicate emphasis or a short pause. A common name is Tel’Aranel, which means descendant of the Elf king, in homage to the legendary Elven king Alexander. Until they reach adulthood a child will usually be referred to as their name, child of their parents name; for example Tel’Aranel child of El’Adar.
Once they reach adulthood, at about 35, an Elf will undergo a ceremony called the Longest Night to gain their Revealed Name. In this ceremony, the Elf is expected to stay awake for as long as possible, despite drinking deeply of herbal concoctions that increase drowsiness. The experience is deeply spiritual and Elves often, and are almost expected to, experience visions and hallucinations that reveal some aspect of their Revealed Name. The deep dreams that come when the Elf finally succumbs to sleep are considered prophetic, and can also reveal aspects of the name or of an Elf’s future. Despite the title “Longest Night,” the ceremony will typically last for multiple days, with the longest recorded time at just under a week and a half. There are no defined rules for what constitutes an acceptable revealed name, though the vast majority are derived either from natural, spiritual, or arcane references. The revealed name is considered to represent the spirit of the Elf, and is believed to represent a lot about who the Elf is as a person, or who they want to be.
A revealed name is considered a special and private name, and while it is not a secret an Elf is most often called by this name only by close friends and family, with everyone else referring to them by their birth name. When writing formal documents the revealed name most often precedes their birth name, for example Media Tel’Aranel. This sometimes leads other cultures to treat the revealed name like a first name, and the birth name like a surname, though they are not synonymous. Once they gain a revealed name an Elf is considered an adult in their own right, and may also use their house name.
House names are not used by the majority of Elves, but prominent, powerful, or wealthy families will adopt a house name to identify themselves as a collective. They are generally not used except in the most formal of circumstances such as diplomatic or business dealings, or in the signing of legal documents. Elves using a house name are intentionally identifying themselves as part of a collective which, while useful, often means an individual’s accomplishments are claimed as house accomplishments. Elves not working directly with their family will often omit this name because of this. An example of a house name would be Media Tel’Aranel of House Aeson.
Those Elves living among outsiders might translate their birth name into a crude approximation in the common tongue, especially if they find it is being commonly mispronounced. It’s also not unknown for such Elves to replace their birth name with the surname of a mate, even if not strictly required under local law. Elves raised among other races may not even possess a revealed name, for they have not had the opportunity to undergo the Longest Night ceremony when they came of age. The rite requires at least a small group of Elves whom the individual feels especially close to in addition to clerics of Clovis, Fiona and Elieff who are familiar with the rite, which often doesn’t happen outside of the city-states. In such cases an elf is likely to take on the name of a parent to act as a surname in the fashion of their local culture.
Views on Life and Death
Elves tend to view life and death as different parts of the same cycle. Elves are created as pure spirits by the Life Mother, Apenca. When she deems the time ready, she sends those spirits to Elven parents to bear a new physical life. Here the Elf lives a mortal life, their physical and spiritual forms as one, so that others can marvel in their created perfection and the Elf can learn of beauty and hardship. From this standpoint, death is viewed by the Elves merely as an end of their physical existence with Atha, and a spiritual rebirth in their return to Apenca. As Apenca’s chosen children it is difficult for an Elf to resist the call of her embrace in the afterlife. As a result an Elven spirit is less able to withstand resurrection and more likely to move on upon death to reunite with Apenca.
Unfortunately, such a joyous reunion does not always occur. As Apenca’s beloved children, Elves believe that Stasa has long held a desire for their spirits, which she prizes above most others and greedily consumes, if for no other reason than to deny them to her sister. Stasa is seen by the Elves as remaining ever-vigilant, attempting to intercept their spirits as they leave their bodies.
Jerroh and his faithful are tasked with escorting Elven spirits back to Apenca’s embrace. When such safe transport cannot be guaranteed (for instance, when Stasa’s gaze is clear or her power is waxing on her holy day), Elves will make use of soul jars to keep the spirits safe from her grasp until such a time they can be resurrected or sent home to Apecna. Elves of exceptional importance have even been rumoured to carry magical items with a permanent Contingency spell of Trap Spirit for that very purpose. Such vessels are of the highest importance to Elves and considered sacrosanct. It is almost unheard of for an Elf to steal or endanger such a spirit, and will go to great lengths to recover one should they be taken.
Once the spirit is gone Elves place little importance on their physical bodies. Burials are most common as it is an effective way to return bodies to Atha to promote new life. Usually bodies are buried curled up on their sides with little to no clothing and no coverings, so that the earth may more effectively reclaim the body. Graveyards are more akin to gardens, with priests of Jerroh and Atha tending to plants that require a great deal of nutrients to better break down the bodies. While individual graves are not marked, Graveyards will often have a large temple to Jerroh where small memorials for the recently deceased are put up, and their names are recorded in the Book of Souls.
Marriages and Mating Practices
Elven marriages, along with less formal coupling, are often political affairs or social maneuvering, though spontaneous trysts are certainly known to happen particularly during the late spring or summer. Unlike the political marriages of other races, Elven marriages are just as likely to be arranged by the couple themselves, even if the motivation is far from romantic. Since Elves consider marriage to be a political tool for legally joining family lines and assets, those without such obligations will face little social pressure to marry. A less formal common-law marriage ceremony in front of the Apencan clergy is very popular for such unions.
With marriages often a legal affair, clerics of Brak are sometimes called upon to minister weddings, though Apencan clerics are just as popular with particularly lavish weddings often including both. Alejandro is worshipped for matchmaking and by people hoping to find love, but with marriage usually such a formal legal affair he is rarely called upon to preside over weddings.
The Spring’s Birth festival for Apenca is the most popular day for Marriages, believed to bring good luck and long life to any union. Couples trying for children may attempt to time it so the child is born on this day, as children born on Apenca’s festival are considered the luckiest of all Elves. Though such timing is clearly imperfect it results in many Elven children being born in the springtime.
Elves are less likely to mate for life than some races. With a relatively flexible social structure it is very common, and almost expected, that a couple will eventually drift apart and find new partners. Except under unusual circumstances, the annulment of marriages are typically conducted in the winter under the auspices of Jerroh’s faithful in a secluded, two-day ceremony known as the Parting. The details of the ceremony are rarely shared with outsiders, though it usually involves exchanging gifts.
Children and Families
Though fully grown by about 20, an Elf is not considered an adult by Elven society until they undergo the Longest Night and gain a revealed name, usually at the age of 35.
Though Elven women are capable of bearing children beginning around 20 years of age it is very unlikely for them to do so before 35, and it is not unusual for a woman to wait several years to settle down into her adult life before committing to a child. An Elven woman remains capable of bearing children throughout most of her long life, and the average Elf will have between 3 and 5 children in her lifetime. Elves consider the duty of bringing a new life into the world to be a very important task, and as such are huge fans of contraceptive herbalisms which are readily available throughout most Elven cities, as they believe this sacred process should only be undertaken by those truly ready for the responsibility.
The involvement of Apencan faithful in the pregnancy and birthing process has meant that only very rarely is a child not able to be delivered in good health. However, the frailty of Elven physiology means that without access to physicians or Apencan healers, infant mortality is a very real threat in Elven society. Most cities have hospitals especially for children to address this issue. With the return of Averill many of these hospitals have been dedicated to her as well as Apenca. While the hospitals greatly reduce infant mortality it still remains a threat, and it is common practice for families to keep children at home and reduce travel until they reach physical maturity, to reduce the risks to the children.
In many city-states, a formal state-funded schooling is provided to all Elven children living within the cities. Though attendance is not required, very few choose to forgo the opportunity unless their families can afford incredibly elite private tutors. This education is often very generalized and well-rounded, lasting until around the age of 30, when an Elf is expected to begin training in their chosen career under a mentor until they participate in the Longest Night. Though some may be influenced by ambitious parents, Elven children are generally allowed to choose their own calling.
As beings of arcane magic Elves tend to be followers of gods rather than invested clerics, but those who do answer a call do so as an Elf does anything else; with total dedication and drive. Clerics of Apenca are the most common, but Elves are as varied as the gods themselves and devote themselves to a wide array of causes. While it varies between city-state, what follows gives a rough idea of how prevalent each religion is within Elven civilization as a whole across the continent.
The Life-Giver: Apenca
Apenca, the Great Matron and creator of all life, is said by the Elves to have created them first, and few races would dispute that the Elves are Apenca’s most beloved creation. As such, in greater numbers than any other race, Elves will openly devote their lives in service to the Life-Giver, and almost all Elves will at least honour her on her festival day; often massive city-wide celebrations.
Commonly Worshipped: Arkady, Clovis, Fiona, Sasha
As innately magical creatures, Elves commonly feel a great affinity for Sasha. Though Elves remain significantly more likely to follow the path of the arcane than to formally join her priesthood, Elven mages are likely to show at least some degree of devotion to Sasha, and her shrines can be found in most arcane structures.
Elves give great importance to physical beauty, being meticulous with their own appearance as well as anything they create or interact with. As such, the worship of Arkady is quite common amongst Elves, especially those who forgo political contests in favour of the pursuit of beauty and pleasure.
Elves are said to have been created from the light of the moon and stars, and many of their important rituals are performed under a night sky. The worship of Fiona and Clovis seems to come naturally to them and remains common, especially considering Fiona’s domain of knowledge.
The Gods of Nature: Atha, Alwyn, Beldon, Balaxa, Callis
Elves feel most at home in outdoor spaces and hold the natural world in a great reverence. The favourite of the nature gods is Atha, for above all else Elves tend to feel most at home within the deep forests of the world. Clerics to the gods of nature play important roles in seasonal festivals, and are often responsible for tending the natural landscapes in which Elves make their homes. It should be noted, however, that in Alwythiana and Elwyndyre the pre-eminence of Atha amongst the gods of nature is replaced by Alwyn and Beldon respectively.
Honoured Gods: Alejandero, Elieff, Jerroh, Hemulis, Strega
Clerics of these faiths are slightly less common among Elvenkind, but are nevertheless respected by many Elves, and every major city will have a church dedicated to them as they are often critical in various liminal rituals. Jerroh is seen to safeguard Elven spirits, guarding them from Stasa’s clutches as they make their way to Apenca. Hemulis is honoured in times of war, prior to duels and when devising strategies (be they martial or otherwise). Elieff is respected for the wisdom that comes with accumulated experience, and oversees the Longest Night ritual. Alejandero is often honoured by younger Elves for skills in courtship, or those seeking love. Finally, Strega is honoured by nearly all Elves at one time or another, as they each seek to advance their own power and prestige.
Uncommonly Worshipped: Anajaream, Astrid, Brack, Iccula, Kell, Marius
Though not held in lower esteem in any official capacity, the open worship of these gods is far less common amongst Elves, with the exception of Bracks role in formal marriage ceremonies.
Often Ostracized: Blythe, Kazzok, Stasa
It is not only extremely uncommon for an Elf to worship one of these gods, but they are deemed illegal in most Elven city-states.
Blythe, the god of disease, is an affront to natural beauty and life itself, and deemed abhorrent.
Kazzok, god of terror, is considered dangerous and his influence undesired within Elven culture, though many often go out of their way to avoid angering him.
Stasa is believed to have long held a desire for Elven spirits. Not only does the goddess of unnatural death seek to bring an abrupt end to the long lives of the Elven race, but she longs to take souls for her own before they can find their way to Apenca’s embrace. As such her worship is abhorred in most Elven settlements as the presence of her clerics is actively considered a threat.
Important Holidays
Springs Birth Festival – March 21st – spring equinox
The first day of Spring is Apenca’s high holy day, a day of new life and new beginnings. Birth’s on this day, of any creature Elf or otherwise, is considered lucky and auspicious, and marriages are considered especially blessed. It is forbidden to take a life of any sort on this day. As the first day of Spring the celebration is often preceded by massive cleaning endeavors, with the day itself often full of music as Elves go around playing music to “wake up” the land.
Maidens Rest – June 19th – midsummer/summer solstice
Maidens rest has become a celebration of Elven culture and ingenuity, where clerics of Apenca and Sasha open their doors to all with feasting, music, and displays of art including dancing and plays. It’s a time where many more formal aspects of Elven society are set aside in favour of revelry.
Great Hunts – summertime
Hunts are popular in the summer as social activities where groups of elves will hunt animals through the forest, usually a specific fox or similarly small and elusive creature. It is an excellent opportunity for the more martially inclined elves to show off their skills.
Years End -January 1st – Jerroh’s Holy Day
Candles inscribed with the names of those who have died during the past year are lit in temples and shrines of Jerroh and Apenca across the elven nations in hopes the departed souls have found their way into Apenca’s embrace, a final sendoff for departed loved ones. As the old year ends and a new one begins, some city states have adopted the custom of asking these recently departed relatives to watch over the children in their families. Though more sombre than many Elven festivals, this is not viewed as a time of mourning but of remembrance. Often performed under starlight, Elves will light candles for their loved ones that have passed; one candle for each year of an Elf’s physical journey.
Art and Architecture
Nearly all trades in the Elven city-states are considered artistic in some fashion. With exceptionally long life-spans in which to perfect their skill, a disproportionate number of those considered to be masters in their art are of the Elven race. Very few objects created by Elves will not also be considered works of art. It is rare to find an Elven structure in which fine paintings, tapestries or sculpture do not adorn its walls, and Elven songs, poetry, and theatre are popular across the continent. Some Elven plays still popular today are believed to have been first performed in the Golden Age for Alexander himself.
Elven architecture is very distinctive. Their structures tend to be graceful with forms designed to meld into the landscape rather than stand out from it, with a great deal more focus given to adornment and beautification than durability and function. Primarily constructed of wood, great care is taken in the acquisition of wood to preserve the forests of the city-state. In some city-states, Elves have even been known to use living trees as part of their structures, with deep roots offering great stability. The Elven affinity for the outdoors also leads their architecture to be relatively open. Such structures almost never have levels dug below ground or interior rooms without access to large windows. Where permissible by the climate, exterior walls are sometimes completely replaced by elaborate pillars supporting a roof, completely exposing the interior.
Elves produce a wide variety of alcohol, but they are most famous for their wine. Elven wine is exceptionally intoxicating, and some say mildly addictive. Deepwood Wine is the most popular variety of Elven wine sold outside the city-states, but the most valuable and sought after varieties cannot be found outside of the capitals. The wine seems to affect Elves slightly less than outsiders who are unused to it, but even they are not entirely immune to its effects. While Elves are also known to produce what they call ale in limited quantities, many other races do not recognize it as such. It tends to be heavily infused with various fruits and has a floral aroma to it, often resembling something more akin to mead than ale.
Interaction with Other Races
Humans: Though Elves and Humans share enough similarities that they are able to work together, Elves tend to look upon Humans overall as short-lived, uncoordinated, and slightly boorish. Some Elves take it upon themselves to teach the Humans they meet how to conduct themselves properly, while others merely leave them to their own devices.
Dwarves: While Elves will acknowledge the Dwarves as neither young or inexperienced, in many ways they are the polar opposites of Elves and the two races regularly disagree on many issues. In addition to these differences, Dwarves have held a grudge against the Elven race for millennia. Though most Elves don’t dwell upon the matter deeply enough to share the same level of animosity in return, their often opposing viewpoints are usually enough to start up personal rivalries and prevent widespread reconciliation.
Gnomes: Of all races apart from their own, Elves perhaps have the best interactions with Gnomes. The two share an affinity for nature as well as a passionate curiosity for the world around them, a shared passion that often helps Elves to look past the much more brash and impulsive natures of their Gnomish friends.
Orcs: In the eyes of the Elves, Orcs are incredibly short-lived, crude and an affront to all that is beautiful. Trade and political discourse between the two races is almost non-existent, and friendships just as rare. Elves will generally recognize Orcs as a dangerous people for their strength, but often underestimate their intelligence, mistaking their differences in thought for a lack thereof.
Goblins: Elves generally see Goblins in much the same way as Orcs. The only real difference is that Elves will fully acknowledge the “underhanded, crafty” minds of the Goblin race and underestimate their physical prowess in a fair fight.
D’shunn: Believed to be distant cousins to the Elves, D’shunn are rare enough that general discourse between the races is unusual, and D’shunn are likely to be met with curiosity and fascination. Sharing an innate magical affinity and love of knowledge, but with vastly different cultures and spiritual practices, D’shunn are often considered to be excellent sources of information and fascinating debate partners, if slightly misguided about many of the world’s workings.
Minotaur: Minotaur are viewed by Elves as brutish and uncouth. Their lack of patience for Elven manners of discourse lead most Elves to dismiss them as unpredictable and unmanageable, good for labour but not company.
Lizardfolk: Their preferred homelands being so different there aren’t a great deal of interactions between Elves and Lizardfolk. Most often Elves will leave Lizardfolk to their own devices, seeing them neither as a threat nor a nuisance.
Malkin: Though rare, the few Malkin who do make contact with the Elves will likely be treated with a great deal of respect. As innately magical beings, the Elves are naturally wary of creatures they cannot affect, and most Elves will not want to risk offending someone with whom they are unable to contend.
Curtainborn: Elves tend to interact with Curtainborn largely dependent upon their divine and mortal lineages. A Curtainborn of Apenca birthed to Elven parents, for instance, would be afforded considerably more respect than a Curtainborn of Blythe born to a Dwarf.
It is no secret that the oldest recorded writings still available today are divided between the Elves and the Dwarves, with the most ancient of these texts belonging to the Elves. The best-known of such ancient writings is the holy tome of Foundations, which tells of the creation of the gods. The oldest known copy is fragmentary, and has been re-copied several times through the millennia. The Elves claim Foundations as an original Elvish work, and while this is debated by several other races it is true that the most complete and most ancient version of the text was penned in ancient Elvish, and is kept in the High Library of Fiona in the Eldersire settlement of Penca.
The Origins of the Elves:
“The child Apenca, wise even in youth, drew forth the purest of all essence, Eastern pasture winds, the stirring current of the deep Choras, and the golden light which blooms from the blessed Geffen wheat to birth the noble Elves.” – Foundations 2:18
Though historical documents before the Tear are exceedingly rare, most accounts agree that the Elven civilization was already flourishing while many other races were still in their infancy. Elves believe themselves to be the oldest race of mortals, created by Apenca at the world’s creation.
Ancient Elven texts make reference to the first Elves being created under the night sky, made from the light of the moon and stars. Whether this is truth or myth, Elven astrologers are exceedingly common, and many Elves seek guidance, comfort, and inspiration from the stars.
The Golden Age: It is impossible to determine how long before the Tear the Elven race was formed. With the ancient texts giving no reference to dates prior to this, it could have been as little as a few centuries to several millennia or more. Little is known about this time, though it is recorded that Elves, Dwarves, Humans and Gnomes across the continent were all united under the great Elven King Alexander. The Elves refer to this time as the Golden Age and laud it as an age of enlightenment and philosophy, an age that produced the greatest works of Elven minds in both reason and art. Many philosophical truths attributed to Golden Age Elves are still taught and quoted today, though the names of their original authors have long been lost to the passage of time. Regardless of the details of Alexander’s empire, it is thought to have been a time of great peace and prosperity for all those within its borders.
The Tear: All that is recorded about how the empire of Alexander and the Golden Age itself came to an end is that there was a great catastrophe known only as the Tear. If any detailed accounts of this catastrophe ever existed, they have since been lost to time. Many Elven historians have attributed this calamity to the Dwarves’ extensive mining of mithril, which disrupted the leylines and caused a tidal wave of magical flux to shake all of Ariel. The Dwarves, incorrectly, place the blame squarely on Elven arcaners losing control of some great, magical ritual.
The Elven Calendar: Regardless of the cause, the empire of Alexander did fall. Though it is uncertain how dates were recorded before this catastrophe, a new Elven calendar was established and marks it as year 0, or simply The Tear (T.T.). Approximate dates before this are recorded as the number of years Before the Tear (B.T.) and dates after it as After the Tear (A.T.). With the notable exception of the Dwarven Clans, nearly every other nation on Ariel has since adopted this calendar.
The Current Age (1706 A.T. – present): During the current age the city states are largely well established and at peace, largely keeping to themselves, and are generally considered very prosperous. Most have publicly funded services for elven citizens and accessible education. While prosperous, the insular nature of the cities drives many elves to travel far afield, even if just for a short while, to learn more of Ariel and her secrets.
Authored by: Shoshana Watson
Fantasy Alive Lore Team 2022
Copyright © Endless Adventures Ontario