Updated: 2024-11-25
Templates are an addition to a character designed to provide interesting abilities and role-play specifically designed for that character. Templates are a special addition that are interesting stories, powers and other effects that are applied based on discussions between the Owner working on the Template and the player. These templates are specifically designed to be granted to players who have shown themselves to be exemplary and dedicated to providing fun to everyone that comes out to events.
As of December 2024, we are now accepting applications for new Templates. If you would like to apply, please fully read and understand the following requirements and considerations.
Template Planning:
- Templates are run as personal plot for the player and last for at least 3 events and as long as 8 events. Only one Template plot for the entire game will be run at a time.
- Applications will be received at any time, but will only be considered once the previous Template plot and stats are complete.
- Applicants will receive an automated response confirming their receipt, but only the applications considered for a Template will be contacted to discuss.
- No personal plot will be run for Simple Templates.
- Complex Templates will include some personal plot at the discretion of the Owner.
- Fundraiser Templates do not count toward the one Template Plot run at the game.
Requirements to apply for a Template:
- The player must have played their character for a minimum of 2 years and 20 events.
- Must have a proven history of promoting other player’s enjoyment.
- Owner approval of the Template application.
- Completion of RP/In-Game actions necessary to gain the Template.
Considerations for any Template:
- Templates must be designed to be as close to “power-neutral” as possible. This means that any abilities of the Template that can be seen as a benefit, must be balanced by a detriment.
- This must be designed to allow the Player to use the Template to enhance the game for other players.
- Every Template must provide an ability or tool that Plot can call upon at their discretion. The player with the Template must agree to use that ability or tool to assist Plot in order to provide enjoyment to the players.
- Templates are granted to players who act in the best interests of the game as a whole, as determined by the Owners. Should the bearer of this template be found to be a detriment to the game for any reason, this template may be revoked.
- Templates should also always be considered play-tests and could be updated or edited with consultation of the player, Plot and Owners to ensure it functions as intended.
If all of the above works for you, then you can send in your application for a Template for your character via the form link below (COMING SOON!)